
Enzo Ferrari Museum

A dramatic combination of architecture, interior and car designs.

Enzo Ferrari Museum was officially opened on March 10th, 2012, in Modena, Italy.

In 2004 Future Systems won an international competition to design the new museum. Dedicated to motor racing legend and entrepreneur Enzo Ferrari (1898-1988), the museum comprises exhibition spaces within the early 19th century house where the motor racing giant was born and raised, and its adjoining workshop, as well as a separate, newly constructed exhibition building.


Following the death of Jan Kaplický in 2009, the office of Future Systems was dissolved. Andrea Morgante, formerly of Future Systems and now director of Shiro Studio, was appointed to oversee the museum’s completion. The new building has been constructed to Kaplický’s original design – it is sensitive to the existing historical context, combines the latest in construction and energy saving technology, and resonates in spirit, language and materials with the cars it is intended to showcase. The fully restored house and workshop provide additional exhibition space designed by Morgante.

The sculpted yellow aluminium roof with its ten incisions – intentionally analogous to those air intake vents on the bonnet of a car – allows for natural ventilation and day lighting, and both celebrates and expresses the aesthetic values of car design.

The two-storey house and workshop built by Ferrari’s father in the 1830s has been completely refurbished. Later additions to the house and workshop have been removed and, with the exception of two internal bracing structures that have been inserted in accordance with Italian anti-seismic regulations to give structural rigidity.

//Designer: Jan Kaplický / Future Systems, Andrea Morgante / Shiro Studio

//Photos by: Studio Cento29, Andrea Morgante and David Pasek

//Client: Fondazione Casa Natale Enzo Ferrari

//Location: Italy

//Published in: Workshop issue 05 (July 2012)