
DE_PLO / dEEP Architects

Courtesy of AN_D

In view of the earthquake in Japan, dEEP wants to share their early design proposal called ‘DE_PLO’. It’s a research based design proposal by Li Daode from dEEP Architects, cooperated with architects Ana Cocho Bermejo and Andrea Balducci Caste. More images and architect’s description after the break.

Courtesy of AN_D

DE_PLO developed as a contemporary response to global disaster cenario relief. The World Health Organization indicates natural disasters and other unpredictable events are so common today that we must urgently devise responses before they can occur. Architects are asked to invent new kinds of highly adaptable and rapidly deployed spaces for different emergencies.

Our proposal engages the necessity to design flexible and adaptable systems that are able to negotiate the uncertainty of disaster relief. Through an in-depth analysis of post catastrophic scenario based case studies we identified patterns that assisted in developing a range of organization logics that could be implemented on site. Through the development of simple pattern cutting and clipping systems we transformed flat sheet material in complex three-dimensional spatial structures. The results are an original piece of research that poses an alternative model to existing methods of response through a carefully studied and crafted proposal.

Courtesy of AN_D

An Emergency Intermediate Health System, with a customized interface, is able to satisfy most medical needs in the shortest time in a broad span of locations. A time-based system, it operates through two kinds of units: Basic triage – A quickly deployable pack ready to be sent immediately after the disaster. Its use is limited in duration, so it focuses on the acute phase. It is usable as an adaptable triage or first-aid unit working alone or with an existing damaged or overcrowded health care facility.

Specific health – Different rapidly deployable units can be customized according to the kind of emergency through an interface-based design. The unit responds to specific spaces and needs, so it is a completely integrated system, able to adapt to specific diseases, spatial and technological needs, and to form/perform as a field hospital.

Courtesy of AN_D

The EIHS is a deployable 3D structure generated from a flat surface, able to arrive directly from the factory to the site, perfectly packaged and ready for easy and quick assembly. A Multilayered Membrane Intelligent System is applied differently for both packs but is based in the same logic.