
160/220/130m Istanbul

Jan Markus Ludwig, Verena Lihl, Marie Lichtenwagner, Annamária Kiss
Year: 2011

Our idea is to wrap the diversity of the city around a gigantic indoor/outdoor room. Rather than expressig the programmatic multiplicity of our building on the exterior, our design maintains a simple overall massing with big openings into a central void. This void provides an interior skyline that reveals the complexity of the project, and it works like a big room at the scale of the city.
The large, floating masses that stick out of the wall and ceiling of the void become visible to the city through three large apertures. These apertures are oriented to create connections with the diverse surroundings of the project site. The floating masses contain the most civic program of the project including the concert hall and the television station.
The floor of the void is on top of a large shopping plinth. This plinth serves as the main entry to the building, provides the main circulation routes and connects to underground public transportation. The interior of the plinth is well connected in section to its top surface. This surface creates a civic plaza podium in the void. From this podium, it is also possible to circulate to all of the major lobbies and circulation hubs of the building. This reinforces the central civic importance of the void.

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